As of 2023-07-24, Blatta has been reborn as Akris. The Blatta source still works and will be kept here indefinitely but it is recommended that users of Blatta migrate to Akris.
Codenamed "Blatta" ("cockroach" in Latin), this prototype is written and maintained by thimbronion (WOT: thimbronion) and implements a large subset of the current spec. Blatta is written in Python 2.7 and uses SQLite3 for the database. For more detailed information, please review the Blatta release notes. There also exist channel logs for the original pestnet if you are interested in following along.
This signature in no way implies any endorsement or guarantee of the software contained within the tarball, it is simply to denote that the tarball contains no more and no less than the result of pressing the patch of the version stated. That being said, billymg does in fact run this software himself and quite enjoys using it.
All patches are signed by thimbronion and if you are in possession of a working vtron you can download the patches (and signatures) above and press the tree yourself. ↩